We're Sorry You Can't Be Here With us This summer

I am so sorry I won’t be seeing you this summer.  That doesn’t mean we can’t be together virtually.  You have been so supportive of me all these years, I would like to do some things for you.


What I want to do for you:

  1. A personal complimentary virtual appointment with me.  It will be a one on one skincare and makeup session to update your routine.  Fresh, clean, glowing skin, using multi-tasking products for an easy, cost effective routine is my focus.  I feel like we have been in hibernation and it’s truly time for a little self-care.  Attached is an appointment form to fill out the day and time that works for you. 

  2. Free skincare and makeup samples prepared in a sanitary environment, to ensure ultimate safety, can be mailed to you, to test products you are interested in. 

  3. 20% off your entire order using code: VILLAROMA20 on all regular priced orders plus Free shipping on any orders over $50 (expires on 8/31/2020)


These are unprecedented times.  I am unsure of what the summer at the Villa Roma will look like.  I know, I would like to connect with you and hope you feel the same.  I want to hear how you and your family managed thru this winter.  Please utilize the appointment app.  If you would just like to call me or text me, feel free to on my cell at 914 388 3127.

If you are to busy and just want to replenish on line, just use the code provided to get 20% off.


Thinking of you


